Not your typical car dealer!  
Drivedirect Services

Certified Warranties

DriveDirect Certified Warranties are quickly becoming a benchmark product for all pre-owned vehicles. Our warranties extend or can even reactivate the original factory coverage that comes with your car. Financing available.

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Pre-Owned Vehicles

Have you ever wondered if there was a way to avoid the car dealership? There is! We offer a direct purchasing service for pre-owned vehicles that bypasses the dealership completely. We also have vehicles in inventory that are either trade-ins or customer consignments. Financing available.

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Pre-Purchase Inspections

Okay, so you’ve found a vehicle and you’re ready to buy. That’s where we come in. We take our inspections beyond most pre-purchase inspections. Sure, we check all the normal mechanics and electronics. But more than anything, we make sure nothing skipped those history reports!  We check the frame, body and paint.

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Financing IS Available